Monday, January 24, 2011


This is our first winter in St. Louis, and we have quickly discovered that 1. It's bitterly cold, and 2. It seems to snow a lot.  I can't say that the weather out here is my favorite.  This summer, the heat index got up to 118 degrees.  It's like someone put Maine and Florida together to create a super weather state.  By super, I mean mega, imposing, not super nice.  Last week we got 11 inches of snow and piled on another 1 or 2 yesterday.  Little R and I hate that we can't go out for walks, but we recently discovered that the mall is a great way to get out of the house and exercise.  Unfortunately, the mall is also a great place to spend money.  Snow, please melt!

I am very much looking forward to thawing out and welcoming Spring.  I have this amazing camera that is not getting its full use because we're stuck inside.  I need to start rounding up some subjects other than little R and Scotty.  I can't wait!

Speaking of getting out of the house, some of our dear friends volunteered to play with our son for a few hours and allowed us to go to the movies.  What a nice feeling to relax and not worry about anything but having fun for a bit.  We are so grateful to be surrounded by such awesome friends.

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